Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 7 - Daily Calcium Recommendations

I’m not a big fan of milk. This aversion probably came from the warm milk that was served in my English elementary school. It was left in the sun most of the day and the daily half pint rations were handed out mid-afternoon. I usually passed mine off to one of my classmates.

I was in my late teens when I discovered the tangy taste of yogurt and now regularly eat yogurt, which combined with calcium supplements, gives me the daily amount recommended for healthy bones. I prefer plain or vanilla yogurt with fresh or frozen pineapple or berries.

An article from the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests 1,000 mg of calcium per day for an adult of 19-50 years. Read the article here

In addition to dairy products, calcium can be found in sardines, salmon, broccoli, celery, green beans, raisins and oranges to name a few calcium rich foods. Take a look at a more comprehensive list on the USDA site

Today I walked and worked in the garden for a while and my pedometer reached 13,244 steps. I ate salmon for dinner together with some baked zucchini and potatoes. I weighed the salmon on a small kitchen scale and ate half (3oz) and will save the rest to eat with a salad for lunch tomorrow.

This is the last day of the first week.


Any information in this blog should not take the place of medical advice from a professional. I am simply sharing my journey.