Saturday, May 2, 2020

Keep Busy - Day 2 May Daily Diary

I've had a few goals this year one of which is to learn Spanish. It's a great time to keep yourself occupied with something you've had on your list for a long time.

Two sites that have helped me are Que Hora Es with Danny Evans on You Tube and Duolingo which has many different languages. We did have a Spanish class at the local library at the beginning of the year but that was discontinued as the library is now closed.

Day 2 -
I wasn't overly active today but did  take a 30 minute walk. I've found that when I'm reluctant to walk I walk for 15 minutes then turn around and walk back. For some reason it makes me think of two 15 minute walks rather than 30 minutes of exercise. Whatever works, right?

I ate more than usual for lunch (fajitas) so cut down on calories for dinner and ate scrambled eggs with spinach (1 egg and 1 egg white).

Steps: 6,321
Calories: 1,190


Any information in this blog should not take the place of medical advice from a professional. I am simply sharing my journey.