Friday, May 8, 2020

Week 1 Update - Day 8 May Daily Diary

I've gone below my desired calorie intake most days, not by choice, but I simply haven't felt hungry or had cravings. I've mostly chosen healthy food. The evenings were a little difficult at first because that is usually my main snacking time which coincides with feeling tired.

Breakfast is usually steel cut oats, almond milk and 1/2 banana with cinnamon, or sourdough toast and marmite
Lunch - Salad with tuna or boiled eggs
Dinner - Grilled chicken or fish and vegetables. I'll occasionally eat roasted Italian sausage, peppers and potato. If my remaining calories are low, I'll eat scrambled eggs with spinach.

My loss has been good for the first week:
Pounds: 3.9
Inches: 5

I keep track of my loss on MS Excel and put the chart on the fridge for encouragement.


Any information in this blog should not take the place of medical advice from a professional. I am simply sharing my journey.