Monday, January 1, 2018

Rapid Weight Loss Diet

Here we are January 1 and we're all trying to get rid of the extra Holiday pounds.


The Dr. Oz Rapid Weight Loss Diet is a healthy way to start

The Rapid Weight Loss diet on the Dr. Oz program eliminates wheat, sugar, alcohol, coffee, sweeteners and dairy products which is what my nutritionist had recommended at the end of last year. One thing I found from eliminating dairy is I no longer have aches and pains (especially my knees). People in the audience who had tried this diet for two weeks had dramatic weight loss and reduced their waist size.

Start the morning with hot water and lemon followed by a smoothie: 1 cup almond milk (unsweetened), 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 banana, 2 tbsp. rice protein, 2 tbsp flax seed.

Throughout the day you can eat 1 cup Greek yogurt, 6 oz protein, 1/2 cup brown rice, oil and avocado. Snack on nuts, humus and pickles and drink green tea (preferably organic).

For lunch and dinner eat protein (6oz per day) and veggies from the low glycemic list.

You can eat as many low glycemic vegetables as you like.

Take a probiotic every morning.

Detox broth recipe here

More details here.


Any information in this blog should not take the place of medical advice from a professional. I am simply sharing my journey.