Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 28 - Stay Hydrated

Dr. Arthur Agatston (author of the South Beach Diet) stresses the importance of staying hydrated in the summer months. He states that 8 glasses of water daily may be too much for some and not enough for others. When the temperature soars, more liquids are needed to maintain adequate hydration, but beware of energy drinks containing sugar, and caffeine. Make sure you drink 8 oz water an hour before exercise

On the Flat Belly Diet added ingredients are recommended (grated ginger, cucumber, lemon and spearmint leaves). These are added to the water (make up a batch in a pitcher) and leave to blend their flavors overnight.

I did quite well today. I mixed up a pineapple smoothie for breakfast and added some sprinkles of unsweetened coconut. For lunch I avoided the birthday cake, chips and processed meat at work and instead ate grilled chicken with a salad. I added some chopped up cabbage which gave it a "crunch." I snacked on some jicama that I like to slice and eat raw. It made a nice change from munching on carrots. This afternoon I ate plain yogurt and fresh blueberries. It's far too hot to walk but I spent some time at the swimming pool and hopefully burned off some calories. I didn't feel like cooking dinner and ate some German muesli, which has oats and dried fruit in it, along with skimmed milk.
Tomorrow is weigh in day!


Any information in this blog should not take the place of medical advice from a professional. I am simply sharing my journey.