Sunday, May 3, 2020

Calories Burned - Day 3 May Daily Diary

Web MD has a calculator for calories burned, and there are quite a few others on the internet. My Fitness Pal also has some exercises listed with calorie calculations. I'm choosing not to deduct exercise from my daily calories.

Day 3 - I wasn't very active today. With the schools still closed, we delivered gifts for my grandchildren's teachers to their homes and they are not close to where we live so it took us most of the morning. It added to my appreciation for them for not only commuting but also being amazing teachers. I'm so glad we have a teacher appreciation week.
Instead of walking today I opted to exercise with a You Tube Fabulous 50s video  which accounted for over 3,500 steps.

Calories: 1,002
Steps: 5,471