Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fabulous 50s You Tube Exercise

 I've come to the conclusion I'm an introvert. During the 2020 lockdown, I had more energy, exercised more and ate better. With no goals or commitments, except to steer clear of the virus, I found the Fabulous 50s videos on You Tube and began daily exercises along with the grandkids.

But with all the upheaval and hate and daily catastrophes lately, I've been eating more and felt too lethargic to exercise. I've noticed my bad eating habits correlate with how much news I watch which in turn makes for sleepless nights. So as most of the news on television is for fear factor and to promote anger (mostly against each other) I've decided to stop watching the news, show good will to others through Random Acts of Kindness, and start eating more sensibly and exercise daily. 

I use MyFitnessPal but prefer to write in a journal. I  have  been keeping track of calories, protein and sugar and fitting in 30 minutes of exercise or a walk. And no more watching the news, instead I've found some great sermons online.

Try the fabulous 50s 14 day challenge.